
Gardening, cooking, crafting and being Nannie

Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Party

Vanessa is having a Halloween Party.

Thank you Vanessa for your magical blog.

You have helped me get through some very rough days this year.

I've always LOVED Halloween.

I love all the colors, the smells, the pumpkins.

Maybe because it's a couple days after my birthday.

Maybe it's because when we were kids I could always borrow some of my


skirts, scarves, jewelry and be a


Maybe it's because I have a dark side.

A side that love zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts and

other things that go bump in the night.


follow the ghost lights

to a welcome.

We can chat and have popcorn,pumpkin roll (I had plans to make pumpkin cupcakes today

but I've done something to my knee so no cooking for me)

and drink some hot apple cider.

(With spices of course).

Or maybe you would like some hot tea.

It is the south so of course there is some iced tea.

Maybe a Honey crisp apple is more to your liking.

Pull up a chair

get cozy and we will watch

a movie, or two.

Maybe a book is more to your liking

with stories by Edgar Allan Poe, HP Lovecraft, Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell or Stephen King among many others. (A recent find at Barnes and Noble).

Don't mind the ghosts, they are all friendly here.

We can watch the witches.

Glad you stopped by for a visit.
Well, doesn't everyone have a grave in the garden?


  1. I had a great time at your party and you have somany fun things. Your sweet treats are very yummy. thank you for sharing. Please visit me: momentsinaneye.blogspot.com

  2. Such yummy treats, I'm glad for them, the skeletons & their bottomless pit stomachs keep eating all of the food here! Happy Halloween to you & yours! Hope you'll drop by, http://digginaround.blogspot.com/2011/10/time-is-upon-us-once-again.html

  3. I'd definitely like a honey crisp apple, one of my favorites! Happy birthday a bit early! My birthday is just after Halloween and when I was little and people asked when my birthday was, I would reply, "Two days after Halloween." I was such a dork and still am.

  4. I think I'll take a honeycrisp apple and a slice of that pumpkin roll! Lovely party :) Thank you for having me.


  5. Practical magic is one of my favorite movies. I will totally come over and watch it with you. Haha!

    Thanks for the great party post!

  6. Yum yum - the pumpkin roll sounds delish! Hope your knee gets better :)

    Thanks for visiting my pumpkin carving party today!

    Happy Halloween!

  7. Oooooo, I'm ready for a cup of tea and a spooky story :)
    Let's see... Yes, Edgar Allen Poe, I think.

    Thank you for such a cozy Halloween party!
    I must be off, for the festivities continue. My striped stockings are ready to dance into the wee hours of the night!

  8. Renee,

    You are a such a sweet and kind gal! I always delight in your sharing.

    Love the Halloween treats, and I am all apples this year. Yummmmmms!

    Please heal your knee up real good.

    Thank you so much for sharing Halloween goodness and inviting us in!

    ♥ Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

  9. Honeycrisps are our favorites around here, too! Thanks for having me here...what lovely decorations you have!

    Happy Halloween!

  10. Pumpkin roll? I've never had it before but it sounds scrummy.

    You have some really lovely Halloween things.

    I hope you knee gets better soon. x

  11. Thank you for your kind comment on my party :) I did make the Monster of a Cake, the chocolate raspberry boo-tiful ghost cake, pumpkin cookies, caramel apples and candy centerpieces!

    Here is the recipe for the Monster of a Cake if you interested in making it which I hope you do because it's delicious!

  12. Hi there, wonderful party! I adore your boo banner! You also have the best taste in movies and books, I must say ;)

    Happy Halloween!


  13. Thank you, I will have some tea. It's rather cooler here so I'll have hot tea please. And perhaps I'll be back later if you're gonna watch Practical Magic - one of my fave movies ever!



    Please fly by my party when you can...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy >^..^<

    Princess Diana's Wedding Ring Giveaway & Haunted Halloween Party:

    P.S. This ring can be used as a Magickal Dowser..

  15. mmmmm spiced apple cider :)
    Sorry it is taking me so long to get round all the parties,
    why not hop over for a spooky tale at my place :
    the more the merrier :)

  16. I had loads of fun at your party, thank you for the invitation :)
    Happy Halloween!

  17. thanks for all the spooky fun! Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween!!!!!

  18. A lovely Halloween party thank you! Those apples were just what I needed after all the sugary cakes I have eaten!

  19. Your Boo! bunting is fabulous!

    Happy Halloween!

  20. We seem to be two birds of the same feather! I just loved everything. Hope you can stop by my enchanted oven for party sweets.

  21. Dearest Renee,
    What a wonderfully spooky adventure through your Halloween Party. I had so much fun visiting with the little ghosties and those cackeling fun witchy poos.
    Please do stop by for a cup or two of Pumpkin TEA at my MAD HALLOWEEN PARTY. We would love to have you for a visit.
    Spells and Wishes
    Wendy from Wonderland

  22. Mmmm... the pumpkin roll was delicious!
    Happy Halloween

  23. Thanks for such a wonderful party!! Sorry it took me so long to get here! My imps were running amok! Honey crisp apples are my FAVORITE!!! Blessings and thanks for stopping by my blog too!
