
Gardening, cooking, crafting and being Nannie

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday June 23

It's the south. It's Hot. It's almost too hot to be outside unless you are in a body of water. We've been taking our granddaughter to do fun things since school is out.

We took her to Lake Winnie.

Don't you think you are too little for that ride?

Hold on tight.

Are you still holding on?

Looks like a perfect way to end the day-WET


  1. what fun!
    ...come and check out my Outdoor Wednesday if you find the time!

    have a beautiful day!


  2. My kids love those swings....well some just like them near us at Hershey Park.

    Looks like a fun day...even if it was hot.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  3. Looks like fun for all~ Gosh it is HOT! I would have to be running thru that sprinkler myself :-)

  4. You got that right with the heat...to much to handle out there....I am taking my boys to the movies today. Cute W...and it looks like you all had fun!

  5. Brave little girl to ride on those swings! I would have much rather played under the frog in the water! Looks like it was a fabulous day!

    ~ Tracy

  6. As a kid I was not able to ride the swings like that. But I luved to ride the roller costers of all sizes. Thanks for stopping by this week. Have a great weekend...Julian

  7. NanaNay! LOVE THE MUSIC girlfriend! I could listen all day! You go girl! Great photos,family and memories are the best. And I love to be outside in the garden and outdoors too! Have a great Summer! Keep doin'what you're doin' It's really good! Love from the farm, Farmgirl Kelly Farmstead Lifestyle
